August Purple Services Private Limited (“August Purple”) is a provider of ‘Endless Aisle’ application and accompanying services to and as required by retail brands in India & overseas as mentioned (“Retail Brands”).

This application has been set up, and is operated and maintained by August Purple to facilitate the sale of products by Retail Brands. The terms “We” / “Us” / “Our” used in this Policy refer to “August Purple” and the terms “You”, “Your”, “Yourself” in this Policy refers to the users of the application.


Please read the terms of this Privacy Policy carefully. This Privacy policy, along with the “Terms of Use” constitutes an “electronic contract” as contemplated in the Information Technology Act, 2000, between “August Purple” and the user of this application. This Privacy Policy does not require any physical, electronic or digital signature.


This Privacy Policy forms an integral part of the “Terms of Use” of the application. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy please do not use this application. By using this application, you (a) unconditionally accept and agree to be bound by the “Terms of Use” of the application; (b) expressly consent to the collection, receipt, possession, storage, usage, dealing, handling or transfer of your personal information by August Purple in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.


The Privacy Policy may undergo a change from time to time at the discretion of August Purple and the policy as applicable at the relevant time will govern the use of the application.



1.Collection of “Information”: August Purple may request for, collect or gather such “Information” (which shall include data) as it deems necessary, relevant or incidental for rendering an improved shopping experience to users and for other purposes as specified in this Policy.


2.Personal Information: Such “Information” may include Personal Information relating to users such as: (a) user’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, postal address, delivery address (if different), gender, purchase history etc. (b) financial information such as bank account or credit or debit-card information; (c) physical condition of user; (d) a description of the item requested or purchased;(e) the internet protocol (“IP”) address of your computer; (f) Any other “sensitive personal data or information” relating to the user such as financial information or any other information which is capable of identifying the user to whom such information belongs.


3.Non-personal information: August Purple may also collect certain non-personal Information from the user, when the user visits and / or uses the application. Such non-personal Information may include information such as geographical location of user, IP address, type of browser, operating system of user’s device, details of usage of application etc. Such non-personal Information is collected through various ways including “cookies” as more particularly discussed hereinafter.



The Information referred to above may be collected or received by August Purple (a) directly from the user, when the user either provides any specific information on the application or (b) from use of the application by the user.

There are times when you may provide information to us voluntarily, otherwise than through use of the application. This occurs when you provide your feedback to us though e-mails, return forms, letters or telephone calls. We may use this information to respond to your query and to keep track of feedback.


August Purple may collect, store and use Information for any purpose as may be permissible under applicable laws, including but limited to the following:

(a) Facilitation of your use of the application, handling and execution of orders placed on the application by the user, process payments, communication with user about orders;

(b)  Respond to any enquiries posed by the user;

(c)  Provide you with details of important schemes, offers, product details, new product launches, advertising and promotions, order details, delivery details and make other important announcements etc;

(d)  Maintain accounts of the user, display contents provided by the user such as user profile, user wish list, notify etc.;

(e)  Help recommend to the user merchandise and services that may be of interest to him / her;

(f)   Personalize your experience on the application by presenting advertisements, products and offers tailored to your preferences;

(g)  data analysis for the application;

(h)  Provision of various services on the application;

(j)   To conduct analytical studies on various aspects including user behaviour, user preferences etc.

(k)  Enable third parties to carry out technical, logistical or other functions on our behalf;

(l)   To permit employees/ representatives of the Company and/or the Retail Brands to contact users and enable them to implement the orders placed by users, resolve user queries, issues, grievances etc;

(m) To trace computer resources of any person for the purposes of determining compliance with the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and / or any other law for the time being in force.


August Purple shall not engage in sale of Information relating to users to third parties except the Retail Brands. August Purple may share user information with third parties in the circumstances specified herein, after reasonably assuring itself that such third parties have undertaken to maintain confidentiality of Personal Information relating to the users, and by using this Privacy Policy, the consent of the users shall be deemed to have been provided for the same:

(a)  Third Party Service Providers: August Purple may engage with third parties including the Retail Brands to receive/ render various services, and perform various functions in relation to the business undertaken on the application, and / or for the purpose(s) discussed above. For instance, August Purple may engage third party services providers for maintenance of its application, fulfilment of orders, delivery of packages, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing of credit card payments, provision of services etc. Such third parties would have access to Personal Information of users for the purpose of performing their functions / rendering their services etc. 

 (b)  Business Transfers: August Purple may transfer or otherwise share some or all of its assets, including your Information pursuant to a merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale of assets or business for any reason whatsoever. Should such a sale or transfer occur, August Purple will reasonably ensure that the Information you have provided and which we have collected is stored and used by the transferee in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy. Any third party to which August Purple transfers or sells as aforesaid will have the right to continue to use the information that you provide to us or collected by us immediately prior to the transfer.

(c)  Government Agency: August Purple may share any Information relating to users (i) with Government agencies mandated under the law to obtain Information relating to users from August Purple; (ii) with any third party, when August Purple is required to disclose the same under an order of a Government or judicial authority under any law for the time being in force, or where such disclosure is necessary for the compliance of a legal obligation.

(d)  August Purple may share the Information relating to users with the Retail Brands / clients, for or connection with any of the purposes specified above.


With User Consent: Without prejudice to the aforesaid, August Purple may disclose Personal Information relating to the user with his / her consent, for purposes other than as mentioned above. For this purpose, August Purple may send a prior notice to the user before sharing Personal Information relating to the user with third parties.


By using or visiting the application and agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy, User is deemed to have consented to and accepted the disclosure of his Information to third parties as provided under this Privacy Policy.


August Purple will share your Personal Information with the employees/ representatives of August Purple and/or the Retail Brands, including for the purpose of completing your purchase or carrying out your instructions regarding the receipt of marketing information.


August Purple shall keep and use the sensitive personal data or information as set out in this Privacy Policy and in accordance with any law for the time being in force. For those users who have registered for the mailing list, their personal information is kept until we are notified that they no longer want their information stored.




In order to make every effort to ensure that your experience is secure, we use encryption technology to protect you against the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information. When you fill out any contact forms, a secure server encrypts all of your information through the use of Secure Socket Layers (SSLs).


August Purple follows the International Standard IS/ISO/IEC 27001 on “Information Technology - Security Techniques - Information Security Management System – Requirements” for ensuring protection of user Information in its possession.




August Purple relies on the users to notify us of any changes in personal information.




In order to ensure compliance with these policies, August Purple has appointed a Privacy Officer to oversee all aspects of its privacy policies and practices. If you are dissatisfied with August Purple’s privacy policies or practices, you should send a written request or complaint to the Privacy Officer at the address below.


August Purple’s Privacy Officer

 Mr. Brinderpal Singh

 August Purple Services Private Limited

No. 764, 3rd Floor,

100 Feet Road, Indiranagar,

Bangalore - 560 038


The Privacy Officer will investigate the matter and respond to your request within 30 days. In the event that you become aware that the information we have about you is incorrect, you should notify the Privacy Officer, who will ensure the information is updated. In case of a complaint, the Privacy Officer will take corrective action (if necessary) and will advise you of the steps taken to correct the problem.